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CRCLinks Home (This Site is under construction. At first, I'm simply putting in the links. Then as I have time, I will include commentary on each link.)
You have reached CRCLinks; the ultimate Directory of links to sites Catholic, Royal and Communitarian. This page is (and will remain) under construction. Its aim is to be the first source for anyone seeking information on Traditional Catholicism, Monarchism, the Counter Revolution and attempts at implementing the Traditional Social Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church in an effort to create a just Social Order. In other words, if you're interested in sites pertaining to the Triumph of the Social Reign of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary, you've come to the right place.
This Site is maintained by J.-M. Weismiller, T.O.Carm., a middle-aged, lay, married Catholic who has a real job to support his family. He would appreciate your help. If you have a site, or know of a site that should be listed here but is not, please email to jm_weismiller@mail2france.com with your suggestion. If you don't like the translations of some of the comments (they're done with the help of BabelFish and Mail2World!), feel free to correct them and email them to the same address. If, which God forbid!, you should find a broken link, please let him know!
For the record and because many people find these things important, I believe the following: A) Our most Holy Lord and Father, John Paul II is the true Pope of the Catholic Church, B) The Novus Ordo Missae of Paul VI is a valid Catholic Mass, tho' seriously deficient in Catholic teaching, C) The Consecration of Russia has not been done as requested by Our Lady of Fatima, and D) Neither Father Nicholas Gruner nor l'Abbe Georges de Nantes are suspended. I am the sworn liegeman of His Most Christian Majesty, LouisXX, King of France and Navarre and am convinced that his Restoration will be the beginning of the total defeat of the Revolution.
For those who may be more comfortable in a language other than English we have included links to translator sites on each page.
In order to facilitate communication between people who might be using this site we would like to recommend (the free) eMail server at Mail2World at www.mail2world.com. Type your email message in your language, click on the translation box and it arrives both in the original language and the translation! Mail2World
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