Hail Mary, Incline to my aid, etc., as on page 1.
Remember O Creator Lord!
That in the Virgin's Sacred womb
You were conceived, and of her flesh
Did our mortality assume.
Mother of grace, O Mary blest!
To you , sweet fount of love, we fly;
Shield us through life, and make us hence
To your dear bosom when we die.
O Jesu! Born of Virgin bright!
Immortal glory be to You ;
Praise to the Father Infinite,
And Holy Spirit eternally.
Antiphon: Mary was taken up.
Psalm 53
Save me, O God, by Your Name, and judge me in Your strength.
O God, hear my prayer: give ear to the words of my mouth.
For strangers have risen up against me; and the mighty have sought after my soul: and they have not set God before their eyes.
For behold God is my helper: and the Lord is the protector of my soul.
Turn back the evils upon my enemies: and cut them off in Your truth.
I will freely sacrifice to You , and will give praise, O God, to Your Name because it is good:
For You have delivered me out of all trouble: and my eye has looked down upon my enemies.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 84
Lord, You have blessed Your land: You have turned away the captivity of Jacob.
You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people: You have covered all their sins.
You have mitigated all Your anger: You have turned away from the wrath of Your indignation.
Convert us, O God our Savior: and turn off Your anger from us.
Will You be angry with us forever: or will You extend Your wrath from generation to generation?
Will You turn, O God, and bring us to life: and Your people shall rejoice in You .
Show us, O Lord, Your mercy and grant us Your salvation.
I will hear what the Lord God will speak in me: for He will speak peace to His people:
And to his saints: and to them that are converted to the heart.
Surely His salvation is near to them that fear Him: that glory dwell in our land.
Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed.
Truth is sprung our of the earth: and justice has looked down from heaven.
For the Lord will give goodness: and our earth shall yield her fruit.
Justice shall walk before Him: and shall set His steps in the way.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 116
O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise Him, all ye people:
For His mercy is confirmed upon us: and the truth of the Lord remaineth forever.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
The Little Chapter
Canticle 6, 9.
Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?
R. Thanks be to God.
V. Vouchsafe that I may praise you , O sacred Virgin.
R. Give me the strength against your enemies. Lord have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come to You .
Let us pray
O God, Who did grant to select the chaste chamber of the Blessed Virgin Mary in which dwell; grant, we beseech You , that fortified with her defense, we may find our joy in taking part in her commemoration. Who lives and reigns with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come to You .
V. Let us bless the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
V. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
R. Amen
Antiphon: The Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, a Virgin betrothed to Joseph.
Psalms 53, 84, and 116 follow.
The Little Chapter
Isaiah 7, 14-15
Behold, A Virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His Name shall be called Emmanuel: butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know tot refuse the evil, and to choose the good.
R. Thanks be to God.
Versicles and Responses as from the Little Chapter before this.
O God, Who wast pleased that Your Word, at the message of an Angel, should take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary; grant to us, Your supplicants, that as we believe her to be truly the Mother of God, so we may be assisted by her intercessions with You . Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
Versicles and Responses as from Let us pray the page before this.
After Advent
Antiphon: O marvelous intercourse! The Creator of mankind, taking a body with a living soul, vouchsafed to be born of a Virgin; and becoming man without man's concurrence, bestowed upon us His Godhead.
Psalms 53, 84, and 116 as well as Little Chapter, Versicles Responses from before are to follow.
Let us pray
O God, Who, by the fruitful virginity of Blessed Mary, hast bestowed upon mankind the rewards of eternal salvation; grant we beseech You , that we may feel her intercession for us, through whom we have been made worthy to receive the Author of Life, our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
Versicles and Responses as from the previous Let us pray.