Counterrevolutionary Links, Catholic, Royal and Communitarian
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Royalist Links I
Royalist Links II
Communitarian Links I
Papal Encyclicals
Catholic Webrings

Roal Coat of Arms
Some of the sites linked on this page profess to adhere to a democratic form of government, that is "the crowned republic". While CRCLinks cannot support democracy (or any other revolutionary ideology) we must remember that our task is manifold and interlocking. We must restore the kings, convert them to Traditional Catholicism and reëstablish the Social Monarchy. The order in which these tasks are accomplished is unimportant, as long as all three are achieved!

Charles Coulombe

Coronations In Catholic Theology by Charles A. Coulombe

The Angelic Doctor on Regicide

Bourbon Site

This site is maintained by supporters of the Revolutionary, Freemasonic Maison de Orleans, descendants of Louis-Philippe, «King of the French». However, it is listed because it is a good site for the writings of Charles Maurras, the Master of the XXth Century Counter Revolution.

L'Action Francaise

Tradition Family and Property

Institut de la Maison de Bourbon Site lgitimiste officiel. L'Institut de la Maison de Bourbon oeuvre pour la promotion de la monarchie franaise travers l'histoire de la dynastie captienne.

Links at le Insitut de Maison de Bourbon

Royal portail Portail de sites royaux francais... et des autres monarchies.

Lgitimiste aujourd'hui Site lgitimiste intressant et trs complet sur le lgitimisme de nos jours, et sur le Prince Louis.

Les Rois de France Leur Généalogie.

La bibliothque royaliste

Carnet d'adresses royalistes


Links at Pour Dieu et le Roi


Association de Défense de la Noblesse Française et Etrangère (A.D.N.F.E.)

The 150 Points of the Phalange-Catho;ic, Royal, Communitarian

The Catholic CounterReformation

Real Associao de Viana do Castelo

Tradition und Leben (In English)

Tradition und Leben (auf Deutsch)

The Polish Monarchist League (in English)

The International Monarchist League

The Monarchist League of Australia

The Monarchist League of Canada

The Monarchist League of New Zealand

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© 2001, 2002, J.M. Weismiller, T.O.Carm.